Airport data

General Airport Data

General data

Alignment 03 / 21
Instrument landing system ILS CAT III b ( 21 ) / CAT I ( 03 )
Declared distances of runway RWY 21
TORA 3.800 m
TODA 3.860 m
ASDA 3.800 m
LDA 3.500 m

RWY 03
TORA 3.500 m
TODA 3.500 m
ASDA 3.800 m
LDA 2.745 m
Width of runway 45 m
Surface Asphalt
Thickness PCN 80 on average
Highest point of runway 502.6 m / 1,649 ft above sea level
Elevation at Point 03 502.3 m / 1,649 ft above sea level
Elevation at Point 21 486.15 m / 1,595 ft above sea level
Aprons 4 aprons with a total area of 150,000 sqm (all PCN 80)
Operating times Operating hours: 24 hours a day (cargo, passage, OPS, tower, customs, police etc.)
Take-off and landing times 24 hours (chapter III aircraft)
6am - 10pm (chapter II aircraft)
Magnetic alignment 1.04° West ( 1993.5 )


De-icing Typ I - Safewing MPI LFD 80
Typ IV - MP IV Launch
Each aircraft type
Cold storage Building 410 / 416

Meteorological data

Local annual average
temperature at the airport
7.8° Celsius
Prevailing wind direction Southwest
Daily average temperature
warmest month ( July )
15.7° Celsius
Coldest month ( January ) -0.8° Celsius
Meteorological office at the airport German Wetterdienst (German Weather Service) - (DWD)
Tel. (+49) 6543/50 91 47
Fax (+49) 6543/50 91 48


TRIWO Hahn Airport GmbH

Building 890
55483 Hahn-Flughafen
Tel. (+49) 6543/50 92 00
Fax (+49) 6543/50 92 04


Director Operations

Oliver Arzt
Tel. +49 (0) 65 43 / 50 93 00

Director Air Traffic Control

Ralf Nawroth
Tel. +49 (0) 65 43 / 50 92 53

OPS office

(24 hours)
Tel. +49 (0) 65 43 / 50 91 41
Fax +49 (0) 65 43 / 50 91 42